PRACE, the Partnership for Advanced Computation in Europe, has lately nearly completed a transformation as a result of the formation of the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking.

Now taking the shape of an association of HPC centres, industry and academic partners, as well as private members, PRACE will seek to have a vital role in EuroHPC era, being the independent voice of users and HPC centres. Additionally, PRACE has experience in adressing industry needs, in particular SMEs.

In the EuroHPC era, there will be no HPC resources to be handed out by way of PRACE, but PRACE will represent the interest and identify the needs of users of HPC and related technologies in Europe.

PRACE Implementation Projects

The sixth and last of the PRACE Implementation Projects (PRACE 6IP) ended in 2022 and was formally closed in 2023.

Norway did participate in this and all preceding PRACE Implementation Projects by way of Sigma and later Sigma2.