In tough competition with other research infrastructures, Sigma2 has received a total of NOK 337.6 million from the Research Council of Norway.
After the application and evaluation process for the INFRASTRUCTURE 2018 call was completed by the Research Council, an amount of NOK 200 million was granted to Sigma2.

Through an extraordinary additional allocation of NOK 137.6 million, the final grant for Sigma2 through the INFRASTRUCTURE 2018 process amounted to a total of NOK 337.6 million. This was also in line with Sigma2's applied amount in the application.
Strengthen by 1 billion
Through the program National Investment in Research Infrastructure (INFRASTRUCTURE), the Research Council announces funding for research infrastructure every other year. In this call for proposals, the Research Council's Board decided to invest up to NOK 1 billion in 16 national research infrastructures. A total of almost NOK 7 billion was applied for from 114 applicants.