29 January 2025
Note to all users on the provisions of data submitted.
The NIRD Research Data Archive (NIRD RDA) is primarily funded by the Research Council of Norway (RCN). The business model of the NIRD RDA research data archive is to provide a service free of charge to the end-users under the assumption that data contributors provide the required metadata about the dataset, publish it via the service and in doing so provide open access to the data.
The RCN is currently revising its data policies and requirements for research projects receiving grants from the Research Council. The future publication of datasets is therefore subject to revision with possible prerequisites for any data submitted and/or restrictions on what users are allowed to make use of the service free of charge.
These Terms of Use are subject to change at any time and without notice, other than through posting the updated Terms of Use on the NIRD RDA website.
Usage terms and conditions
Processing of personal information is described here: www.sigma2.no/processing-personal-information-research-data-archive.
Access to and utilization of the NIRD RDA and provided APIs are exclusively permitted for lawful purposes and in accordance with these terms. Users are expressly prohibited from interfering with the functionality, security, or integrity of the NIRD RDA or employing them to access, upload, or distribute unauthorized or harmful content. The NIRD RDA, its APIs, and the data they provide are offered ‘as is,’ without any warranty of availability, accuracy, or suitability for a specific purpose. By utilizing the NIRD RDA and its APIs, users acknowledge their obligation to adhere to all applicable data usage policies, licensing terms, copyright and publication restrictions, privacy laws, and Norwegian laws. Additionally, users are required to provide appropriate attribution when mandated.
Roles and responsibilities
The NIRD RDA requires users wishing to archive datasets to sign this agreement between the NIRD RDA and the Depositor. The agreement lays out the responsibilities of the NIRD RDA and of the user depositing data to the archive as well as the terms of access to the dataset.
NIRD Research Data Archive Responsibilities
- To ensure the dataset is managed according to the license agreement.
- To ensure users of the dataset are aware of the access license (see the Licence section).
- To ensure approved users can access the dataset for the duration of the agreement (see Dataset End-of-life in the Depositor Agreement).
Depositor Responsibilities
- To ensure the dataset does not contain illegal content and that the data collection does not breach privacy or data protection laws.
- To ensure the dataset does not contain sensitive data (https://commission.europa.eu/law/law-topic/data-protection/rules-business-and-organisations/legal-grounds-processing-data/sensitive-data/what-personal-data-considered-sensitive_en) or present a disclosure risk (see the note below).
- To ensure that the dataset abides by copyright and publication restrictions.
- To ensure permission from all stakeholders has been obtained to deposit the dataset.
- To ensure sufficient metadata is supplied with the dataset to enable discovery and reuse of the dataset.
- To have read and signed the depositor license agreement.
- To have selected an appropriate license for the dataset (see the Licenses section).
Note on sensitive data
The NIRD RDA does not provide infrastructure to store sensitive data securely, and will not pro-actively check for sensitive data. However, if the NIRD RDA is made aware that the dataset contains sensitive information, or breaches privacy or data protection laws, then the dataset will immediately be taken offline and potentially deleted. Dialogue with the dataset depositor will be initiated.
The archive requires the Depositor to assign a standard open license to the deposited dataset to ensure the data is accessible by the largest number of people. The default license provided by the archive is CC-BY-4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Depositors can contact the Archive Manager to request a different license. Each request will be evaluated by the Archive Manager and Product Owner on a case-by-case basis. The evaluation may require further dialogue with the Depositor to understand the needs.
Before starting to use the NIRD RDA, please read the NIRD Research Data Archive - Depositor Agreement.
AIP – Archival Information Package (as defined in the OAIS document https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/650x0m3.pdf)
API – Application Programming Interface
Archive Manager – the person supporting the users in the process of depositing and publishing the data. They verify the eligibility of users to deposit data in the NIRD RDA. The Archive Manager can be contacted at archive.manager@nris.no.
Approved User – a person or organisation that has permission to access a dataset.
Authorised User – a person or organisation that is registered to use the NIRD Research Data Archive.
Bit-level Preservation – the act of ensuring the binary information is unaltered and readable over time.
Data Manager/Contact Person – the person or organisation responsible for ensuring the dataset and metadata are understandable during the lifetime of the dataset, adhering to the NIRD RDA’s policies and standards, and error-free. The Data Manager may not actually resolve all issues, however, they may delegate them to other field experts.
Dataset – the collection of data as defined by the Depositor or discipline.
Dataset End-of-Life – the period of time during which the published dataset is accessible in the NIRD RDA.
Depositor – the person or organisation that has permission to deposit data in the NIRD RDA. They are responsible for providing the data and metadata and ensuring they meet the needs of the NIRD RDA.
DIP – Dissemination Information Package (as defined in the OAIS document https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/650x0m3.pdf)
DOI – Digital Object Identifier
JSON – JavaScript Object Notation,a lightweight data-interchange format that uses human-readable text to store and transmit data objects
Malware – any malicious software (such as viruses, spyware, etc.) that is designed to disrupt the NIRD RDA or gain access to unauthorised information.
Metadata – the information that describes the dataset.
NIRD – Norwegian e-Infrastructure for Research Data
NIRD RDA – NIRD Research Data Archive
NRIS – The collaboration between the Universities of Bergen, Oslo, Tromsø, and NTNU with Sigma2 to operate the national services.
OAIS – Open Archival Information System (defined in the document https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/650x0m3.pdf)
OAI-PMH – Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting is a low-barrier mechanism for repository interoperability
Preparation Phase – the phase during which the dataset is prepared for publication (the Depositor provides metadata and any other relevant documentation).
Product Owner – responsible for the communication, strategies, benefit realization plan and alignment with the Key Performance Indicators.
Published Dataset – a dataset that has been accepted by the NIRD RDA and is made available for approved users.
RCN – the Research Council of Norway
Rights Holder – the person or organisation that holds rights (copyright, other legal rights) on the dataset
Sigma2 – the organisation owning NIRD Research Data Archive service.
Sigma2 Board - the entity in Sigma2 that has ultimate responsibility for the NIRD RDA.
Sikt – The Norwegian Agency for Shared Services in Education and Research is a public administrative body under the Ministry of Education and Research. Sigma2 is owned by Sikt. Sikt has the ultimate responsibility for the data in case of discontinuation of the Sigma2 AS.
SIP – Submission Information Package (as defined in the OAIS document https://public.ccsds.org/Pubs/650x0m3.pdf)
Stakeholders – persons or organisations that have a controlling interest in the data. This includes the Data Manager, Rights Holder, and Depositor. In addition, there may be other groups such as those that took part in the production of the data.
Technical Coordinator – responsible for the alignment of the service with the evolving users’ need and coordinator of the related DevOps activities.
User – the person or entity accessing the metadata or dataset.