easyDMP: Data Management Plan

A Data Management Plan (DMP) is a crucial document that outlines how you will handle the research data throughout your project and beyond. It ensures proper data management strategies are in place, leading to efficient data handling, enhanced quality, and easier data validation and sharing.

Most research institutions in Norway, along with funding agencies like The Norwegian Research Council and the European Union, require research projects to have a data management plan. With our user-friendly easyDMP service, managing your research data becomes a straightforward and efficient process, ensuring your data is handled and shared with utmost care and compliance.


Researchers, employees and students (follow the link below for more details).

More info


Sign up with autenthication, through DataPorten, B2ACCESS or OpenIdP login.


easyDMP is free of charge.

What is easyDMP?

easyDMP is a user-friendly service that simplifies the process of creating a Data Management Plan (DMP) for researchers with limited data management experience.

The DMP contains information about how the data will be managed. The required details are based on guidelines set by research communities, institutions, funders, or policy makers. The specific content of a data management plan varies across scientific areas.
Within the DMP, you specify how the data will be:

  • Collected
  • Processed
  • Presented
  • Shared
  • Preserved

Your plan is dynamic and can be updated and revised throughout your project period.

The DMP can be reviewed, revised, and shared with co-editors, while the research institution can also assess it before submission or publication.

Available templates

The electronic DMP is machine-readable, promoting systematic data management throughout the research process, adhering to FAIR data principles.

By converting data management guidelines from various funding agencies and institutions into straightforward questions with canned answers, easyDMP guides researchers in generating their DMPs easily.

Once the questionnaire is completed, researchers receive an electronic document that can be directly attached to their research proposal.

easyDMP supports various Data Management Guidelines, including H2020, Science Europe, and national/institutional-specific templates.

Users can choose from these templates or customise them to align with their institutional guidelines. Additionally, easyDMP welcomes suggestions for new templates or customisations to further cater to researchers' specific needs.

How to get access?

To gain access, you need to sign up with authentication. EasyDMP supports various authentication mechanisms.

Users from institutions supporting Feide federated identity can log in through DataPorten.

For members of European institutions, B2ACCESS login is available as an authentication option.

Additionally, we support OpenIdP login, which includes platforms like Facebook, Google, or Linkedin.

Please refer to our Data Policy for information on data classification.

You might also need

We offer many services that you may need in addition to easyDMP. In the National Infrastructure for Research Data (NIRD) ecosystem we offer a range of storage services designed to support scientific research in every step of the research data lifecycle. Below, you can see a few selected ones, and if you visit our services overview, you will find all we have on offer.