Services overview

The national e-infrastructure for research encompasses equipment, operations and related services for high-performance computing, data storage, software systems and high-capacity networks, as well as tools for efficient workflows and software for simulations and data analysis.

The cost of using our services depends on the funding supporting your research project.

Efficient access to advanced computing services

The HPC service gives you access to the the national supercomputers and Norway`s part of European supercomputer LUMI.

"Test before you invest" with SSEW: a pool of computing time or storage resources is available for small projects for free.

Through CRaaS you can easily access compute resources for your courses or workshops.

Through the AUS service research groups and communities can get expert guidance and support from highly competent professionals.

Advanced data storage and cloud solutions

NIRD Data Peak is a high-performance storage service tailored for data-intensive workloads and scientific investigations.

NIRD Data Lake is a cloud-compatible storage service designed for sharing and storing data during and beyond a project’s lifetime.

NIRD Service Platform provides the advantage of cloud computing services running on the same infrastructure your data is stored.

The Sensitive Data Services (TSD) is a specialised platform designed to securely store, process, and analyse sensitive data, while strictly adhering to privacy regulations.

Before You Start and After You Finish: Comprehensive Data Management and Archiving Solutions

Users outside academia

EasyDMP is a user-friendly service that simplifies the process of creating a Data Management Plan.

The NIRD Research Data Archive is a long-term storage service designed to support all types of datasets regardless of size or scientific domain.

Our services going forward

Take a look at the roadmaps for our services to see the upcoming developments and features.

Norwegian research infrastructure services

Sigma2 works closely with the universities of Bergen, Oslo, Tromsø and NTNU to operate the national e-infrastructure services. The collaboration is called NRIS (Norwegian research infrastructure services). It is the NRIS staff who ensures that all researchers who use the national e-infrastructure services get quick and easy access to domain-specific support and related activities.

Data policy

Click below to find information on data categorisations that will assist you in selecting the most suitable Sigma2 services for your specific dataset.

Categorisation of data and data policy